Sony Announces Project Morpheus VR Headset for PS4 at GDC


There was much suspicion swirling around the Internet this past week that Sony might be announced the long-rumored Virtual Reality headset for the PS4 at their GDC panel titled “Driving the Future of Innovation at Sony”. That same panel ended just a short while ago, and featured President of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida discussing Virtual Reality leading up to the announcement of a VR headset for the PS4.


The prototype, dubbed Project Morpheus is indeed a VR headset similar to Oculus Rift, but designed by the R&D teams at PlayStation. More information is incoming, and Sony is promising hands-on time with it later this week during GDC.

Stick with PSLS for more GDC coverage from our on-site team, but in the mean time check out our forums for images of the presentation.

More on Sony’s VR Headset: